
Welcome to WTM

Welcome to the Chair of Materials Science and Engineering for Metals (WTM) of the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Material development is closely linked to process engineering (casting, sintering, 3D printing, forming, joining …). More efficient materials make new demands on primary shaping and forming technologies, better-to-process materials master manufacturing challenges, innovative production technologies create great potential for further materials development.
The research at the Institute WTM is focused on new process technologies and the relations between process, microstructure and properties of metal-based materials.


The offer for bachelor and master theses has been updated, please follow the link

Prof. Dr. Carolin Körner, Chair of Materials Science and Engineering for Metals at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant, which is not only extraordinary funding, but also recognition of Erlangen and Nuremberg as an exceptional location for science and research. The EU has granted 3 million euros in funding to support research in additive manufacturing of high-performance components using high-energy electron beams.

For his research idea “SPACE – Superior Performance through Accelerated Composition Exploration”, Dr.-Ing. Christopher Zenk, is awarded this year’s „EAM Starting Grant“ by the FAU Competence Center „Engineering of Advanced Materials”.